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The Car Paint Tester Pro attracts visitors and the GTÜ at the Retro Classics 2015

With around 87,000 visitors this year’s Retro Classics in Stuttgart was again very well attended. Not only many visitors were positively surprised and excited at the live demos of the Car Paint Tester Pro, but also the GTÜ (Gesellschaft für Technische Überwachung mbH) was pleased with the timely delivery of their car paint testers for the largest classic car show in Europe. The special feature:

The Car Paint Testers Pro in a special edition for GTÜ are equipped with red caps in the companies CI color and the GTÜ emblem.

The order of G is a particularly positive reference for us, while showing the possibilities of customization of the product. The clever Car Paint Tester Pro has also been tested several times by journalists and evaluated positively.